The room, dedicated to Luigi Porta (1800-1875), displays anatomical preparations, protocols for experimental techniques and medical records from the Porta Museum, which the Pavia surgeon had set up in the surgical clinic of San Matteo Hospital.

Ownership of the Museum was transferred to the University in the second half of the 19th century but the collection remained located inside San Matteo Hospital until the 1930s; when the Hospital was finally moved from its quarters adiacent to the University to its new, much more modern location in viale Golgi, the collection became entirely part of the newly established Pavia University History Museum.

The collection presents experimental preparations, largely concerning the circulatory system, educational preparations, illustrating particular types of operations, and pathological preparations, demonstrating how a pathology in very advanced stages can profoundly modify the shape, structure and anatomical relationships of an organ.

Anatomy books displayed in the Porta Room