Museo su mappa di Pavia

Access and mobility

The Museum is located in Corso Strada Nuova 65, Pavia; the location allows visitors to live the Museum experience in a historic environment, within the ancient building of the Pavia University Central Palace.

There are no significant architectural barriers and a small ramp facilitates entry to the Museum. We encourage visitors with reduced mobility to contact us to arrange their arrival and to receive instructions on how to request permission to park within the University premises.


The Museum building is located in the historic center of the city of Pavia, in a limited traffic zone (ZTL); you may purchase a temporary permit to access the area from City Hall or park outside the restricted area and reach us on foot. There are several paid car parks nearby (the Cattaneo car park – near San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro church, the Castello Visconteo area, Viale Matteotti or Piazza Petrarca –  only in the afternoon) while a large free parking area is available in Viale Indipendenza, behind the ATS building, about a 15 minutes’ walk from the Museum.


The external restrooms (accessible by ramp and equipped for people with disability) are available to our visitors as well as to University students; ask at the Museum entrance for the access badge.

Visitors can, if they wish, leave backpacks or bulky coats at the Museum entrance; school groups can also leave them in the multimedia room. However, at the moment there is no cloakroom service and the Museum is not responsible for objects left unattended.

Accessible guide

An accessible guide is available to introduce visitors with complex communication needs to the collections presented in the Museum; the guide explains what can be seen and done in the rooms and how to ask for support if experiencing difficulties or feeling uncomfortable.

Service animals and pets

The Museum is a pet-friendly facility and all dogs, cats or other pets on a leash, adequately socialized and trained for shared environments are welcome! Service animals are especially so and can freely access the rooms and be without leash or harness if necessary.