
Together with our wonderful partners, we develop the year-long project School+Museum; this co-created project offers the students a themed program, thought out with the teachers. Over the 17 years of the project, we have explored many topics: science storytelling, space messengers, energy, sound, color, beauty in science…

Discover all the history, art and science workshops, as well as the final products, on the dedicated website!

Inflatable planetarium

In the multimedia room, we set up our inflatable planetarium for astronomy workshops, in collaboration with the Physics Department. Participants to the activity are guided in their observation of the sky through the changing of seasons, from different locations on Earth, in different times of day…

Contact us to book the experience!

Activities for schools

Tours, activities and workshops for high-schools are conducted in-house, by Museum staff; for activites dedicated to elementary and middle schools we rely on educational services provided by AdMaiora.

Write or call us to find out more!

Guided tours

We offer itineraries that can be customized according to the needs and interests of the participants.

Find out which routes are most requested on the dedicated page or contact us to ask for a particular theme!


Our rooms are at times the perfect location for lecture-tours conducted by University professors; the lectures can interest several fields of study, such as history and philosophy of science, history of medicine and physics, educational technologies and communication.

Research on these topics involving our collections and Museum can be the focus of final thesis for graduating students.